DSN 2015 call for paper


The Annual IEEE/IFIP InternationalConference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) is the most prestigiousinternational forum for presenting research results in the field of dependableand secure computing.

Authors are invited to submit originalpapers on the research and practice of creating, validating, deploying andmaintaining dependable and secure systems and networks. Click here for aprintable call for contributions (pdf版本下载

All aspects of dependable and securesystems and networks are within the scope of DSN including innovativearchitectures, protocols and algorithms as well as experimentation with andassessment of dependable and secure systems. DSN’s current thematic areas ofemphasis are:

Hardware (e.g. microprocessors; VLSI;storage systems; and nanoscale systems) 

Software (e.g. applications; middleware;and operating systems)

Cyber-physical systems (e.g. embeddedsystems; networked embedded systems; SCADA; automotive aerospace, and medicalsystems; and smart grid)

Socio-technical systems (e.g. virtualworlds; human-computer interaction; usable security; and online socialnetworking)

Clouds (e.g. cloud storage, computing,platforms, and applications)

Networks (e.g. wireless networks;mobility; next-generation networks; and software-defined networking)

Models and methodologies for programming,evaluating, and assessing dependable and secure systems (e.g. performance,dependability and security evaluation; analytical and numerical methods;simulation; experimentation; benchmarking; verification; field data analysis;and data mining techniques)

Information to authors

Innovative papers in other areas ofdependable and secure systems and networks will also be considered. Papers willbe assessed with criteria appropriate to each category. The conference favorswork that explores new territory, continues a significant research dialogue, orreflects on experience with (or measurements of) state-of-the-artimplementations. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance,correctness and impact.

Research Papers, Practical ExperienceReports, and Tool Descriptions will be refereed and included in the Proceedingsof the DSN 2015, if accepted.

All contributions must be written inEnglish. IEEE Computer Society will publish accepted contributions.

Details for industrial papers studentforum and fast abstract contributions can be checked in the conference webpage.

Workshop and Tutorial proposals focused onthe topic(s) addressed by the conference are also welcome.

Submission Guidelines and Instructions:

Submission Guidelines: http://dsn.jhu.edu/dsn2015/instructions.html

Submission System: http://dsn.jhu.edu/dsn2015

Workshops Submission Guidelines: http://www.ft.unicamp.br/dsn2015/workshop

Workshop Submission: workshop_proposals@dsn.org

Tutorial Submission Guidelines: http://www.ft.unicamp.br/dsn2015/tutorials

Tutorial Submission: tutorial_proposals@dsn.org

Important Dates

Abstract should be submitted up toNovember 28th, 2014

The deadline for paper submission isDecember 8th, 2014

Best Paper Awards

William C. Carter Award to the bestaccepted paper that is based on a PhD dissertation.

Best Paper Award to the best acceptedscientific paper among all.