发布时间:2020-10-06 发布人:物理与电信学院办公室 浏览量: 2292




1.  Liping Peng. Zhitian Liu, Enhancing thermoelectric properties by using a surface polarization effect based on PEDOT:PSS thin films, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 6120.

2. Liping Peng. Zhitian Liu, Reduce the hysteresis effect with the PEIE interface dipole effect in the organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite CH3NH3PbI3-xClx solar cell, Organic Electronics, 2018, 62, 630-636.

3. Liping Peng, Wei Xie, Changquan Yang, Study the Effect of DIO Additive to the Charge Extraction and Recombination in the Organic-Inorganic Hybrid MAPbI3-xClx Perovskite Solar Cell, RSC advances, 20188, 40298- 40307

4. Liping Peng, Ling Xu, Theoretical and Experimental Research Base on the Tin Lodide Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite (CH3NH3SnI3) Tetragonal and Orthorhombic Phases for Photovoltaics, Science of Advanced Materials, 2018 ,10, 1519–1527

5. Liping Peng, Ling Xu, Zhengcai Xia, Study the high photocatalytic activity of vanadium and phosphorus co-doped TiO2 from experiment and DFT calculationsComputational Materials Science2014,15(83), 309-317