发布时间:2017-01-11 发布人:系统管理员 浏览量: 603

此次比赛以口碑业务的销售分析和销售建议等定制的后端商业智能服务为背景。 我们以恰当定义的销售预测问题为题。我们鼓励创新的解法,帮助口碑成为更加智能的商业平台,更好地服务社会。同时,希望每位参赛选手都能享受到这次比赛带来的乐趣。 
了解更多 http://t.cn/RMJPxDa 
2月8日 08:00: 评测启动 
3月7日 10:00: 报名截止&队伍融合截止  
3月14日 23:59: 比赛结束 
3月19日 23:59: 代码 & 解题思路提交截止 
3月24日 10:00: 获胜队伍公布 
我们将邀请Top3的队伍去澳洲墨尔本,在IJCAI 主会上分享获奖solution。  
We would like to invite you to join IJCAI 2017 Tianchi contest “Customer Flow Forecasts on Koubei.com”, which will be held from January 9 - March 24, 2017.  
Koubei, Ant Financial’s online-to-offline platform provides merchants with customized back-end business intelligence services, including transaction statistics, sales analysis and marketing recommendations. In this contest, players are expected to predict the customer flow per day during the next few days for each shop, analyzing anonymized customers’ browsing and payment history as well as the relevant information of shops. We encourage innovative ideas to help achieve a more intelligent business platform which serves the business and the society better. More detail available at http://t.cn/RMJPxDa  
Important dates 
08:00 UTC+8, Feb. 8th, 2017: Contest begins  
10:00 UTC+8, Mar. 7th, 2017: Team merge deadline 
23:59 UTC+8, Mar. 14th, 2017: Contest ends 
23:59 UTC+8, Mar. 19th, 2017: Code & reports submission deadline 
10:00 UTC+8, Mar. 24st, 2017: Winner announcement 
1st place: USD 10,000 
2nd place: USD 6,000 
3rd place: USD 4,000 
Traveling Support Prize: USD 4,000/team. We will award 2 teams (selected from top 4- 20) based on the materials (code + solution report + presentation files) they submitted. 
Top 3 teams will also receive USD 3,000 as travelling support conditioned on that they present their solutions on IJCAI-17, which will be held in Melbourne on August, 2017. 
We are looking forward to your submission and to meeting you in Melbourne! 
Best Regards, 
Tianchi Department 
Alibaba Group & Ant Financial Services Group