waim2016 call for paper
WAIM is a leading international conference for researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to share and exchange ideas, results, experience, techniques, and tools in connection with all aspects of Web data management. As the 17th event in the increasingly popular series, WAIM2016 expects to attract participants from all over the world to Nanchang, and continues to establish WAIM as one of the major conferences on Web-based information systems.The WAIM2016 organization committee invites submissions of research papers, industry papers and demo papers for WAIM2016, to be held in Nanchang, China, June 3-5, 2016. Submissions are invited on all aspects related to Web-age information management. Each paper will be fully refereed by the program committee and judged on its originality, significance, technical quality, and relevance to WAIM2016 as well as presentation. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one author will attend the conference to present the work.Conference Scope Advanced database and Web applications Big data analytics Big data management Caching and replication Cloud computing Content management Crowdsourcing Data and information quality Data management for mobile and pervasive computing Data management on new hardware Data mining Data provenance and workflow Data warehousing and OLAP Deep Web Digital libraries Entity resolution and entity linking Graph data management, RDF, social networks Information extraction Information integration and heterogeneous systems Information retrieval Knowledge extraction and management Multimedia information systems P2P-system performance Parallel and distributed data management Query processing and optimization Recommender systems Security, privacy, and trust Semantic Web and ontology Sensor networks Service-oriented computing Social media Spatial and temporal databases Storage and access methods Streams, complex event processing Text database, keyword search Uncertain data Web advertising and community analysis Web information quality and fusion Web search and meta-search Web service management XML and semi-structured dataPaper PublicationThe proceedings of WAIM2016 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, one volume for the main conference and one volume for the workshops. Both will be indexed by EI. Selected accepted papers will be invited to submit expanded versions for possible publication in the FCS (Frontier of Computer Science) journal (indexed by SCI).Paper SubmissionAll submissions should be in English. Every research paper submitted to WAIM2016 will undergo a "double-blind" reviewing process. A submission should be no more than 12 pages single spacing, including all figures.Submission website: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/WAIM2016/Workshops, Demos, Panels, and Industry PresentationsIn addition to regular papers, WAIM2016 invites proposals for workshops, demos, panels, and industry presentations. For workshops and demos, WAIM2016 will provide administrative support for room booking, registration, and paper publication.