DSN 2016 call for paper
发布时间:2015-07-09 发布人:系统管理员 浏览量: 643

The Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) is the most prestigious international forum for presenting research results in the field of dependable and secure computing.
Authors are invited to submit original papers on the research and practice of creating, validating, deploying and maintaining dependable and secure systems and networks.

All aspects of dependable and secure systems and networks are within the scope of DSN including innovative architectures, protocols and algorithms as well as experimentation with and assessment of dependable and secure systems. DSN’s current thematic areas of emphasis are:

  1. Hardware (e.g. microprocessors; VLSI; storagesystems; and nanoscale systems)
  2. Software (e.g. applications; middleware; andoperating systems)
  3. Cyber-physical systems (e.g. embedded systems; networked embedded systems; SCADA; automotive aerospace, and medical systems; and smart grid)
  4. Socio-technical systems (e.g. virtual worlds; human-computer interaction; usable security; and online social networking)
  5. Clouds (e.g. cloud storage, computing, platforms, and applications)
  6. Networks (e.g. wireless networks; mobility; next-generation networks; and software-defined networking)
  7. Models and methodologies for programming,evaluating, and assessing dependable and securesystems (e.g. performance, dependability andsecurity evaluation; analytical and numericalmethods; simulation; experimentation;benchmarking; verification; field data analysis; anddata mining techniques)

Important Dates

Abstract should be submitted up to November 27th, 2015
The deadline for paper submission is December 7th, 2015
