The Third International Conference on Advanced Cloud andBig Data (CBD 2015)
Important Dates
Submition deadline: July 15, 2015
Notification of acceptance:Sep 1,, 2015
Camera Ready Due:Sep 20, 2015
Registration Due:Sep 20, 2015
All submitted papers will be reviewed by program committeemembers and selected based on their originality, significance, relevance, andclarity of presentation. Accepted papers will be all published by ConferencePublishing Services (CPS) and will be submitted for indexing to EI. Authors ofselected papers will be invited to submit revised and expanded version of theirpapers to be considered for publication in special issues of well-knowninternational journals such as Mobile Information Systems (SCI), Concurrencyand Computation: Practice and Experience (SCI), Journal of InformationTechnology (SCI), Tsinghua Science and Technology (EI) and etc.